"Like many members of the uncultured Cheez-It consuming public, I am not good at grasping modern art." - Dave BarryI have a confession: I really like Cheez-Its. I know they are bad for you and full of questionable ingredients, but every so often I eat them anyway.I have another confession: I really like poetry. And I'm not in college or psychotic or on drugs or a communist or any combination of those.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
poetry and cheez-its: getting an edumacation in modern art
Friday, June 21, 2013
fat dumb and unhappy (or, so long Paula Deen and thanks for all the butter)
Poor ol' Paula Deen is in hot water up to her chubby little cheeks. First she is accused of being a racist. Then the government declares her cooking makes you sick.
Yep, that's right, there is a new disease in town. Last week the A.M.A classified
obesity is an illness.
Now at least 1/3 of our country is officially sick. As if we
didn't already know this.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Miss Utah, I feel your pain
"The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about." - Oscar Wilde
Quick, what’s the name of the new Miss America?
I have no idea. I don’t watch beauty pageants. But I do know
the name of Marissa Powell.
I know Marissa Powell, aka Miss Utah, because the answer she
gave to a question during the 2013 Miss America Pageant went viral. In a bad
way. The only reason I watched it was because her bad answer supplanted the one
given by poor little Lauren Caitlin Upton, Miss Teen South Carolina in 2007.
Anytime my home state can catch a break, I’m all over it.
Photo by Georgina Vaughan
But truly, I feel bad for Marissa Powell. I can’t deny that her
answer is a complete wreck. It meanders around in a pointless way like a county
fair bumper car driven by a blind person (which I have witnessed, BTW).
But Miss Powell didn’t make it this far in the pageant
circuit by being clueless. While some beauty contestants are intellectually brilliant,
none of them are as stupid as they are portrayed. As much as I dislike it, the
pageant world is highly competitive and you have to know your game pretty well
to make it this far.
So what went wrong?
First of all, the first part of the question she is required
to answer is itself a train wreck:
“A recent report shows
that in 40 percent of American families with children, women are the primary
earners, yet they continue to earn less than men. What does this say about
There are at least three or four issues rolled into the
first part of that question, and none of them are related or explained
Why are 40 percent of American families with
children supported primarily by women?
Are there men in these households who earn less
than these women, are men totally missing from these households, or do men earn
less in these households?
What about the other 60 percent of households
with children?
What about the households without children?
Is the question addressing the overall inequality
of pay for women vs men for the same job, or is it suggesting that the pay inequality
is just for women with children or women supporting families alone?
These issues, while badly stated, are hotly debated by economic, social and political experts on a daily basis. Did we really expect a beautiful woman in an evening gown to crystallize these issues in an impromptu 30-second verbal thesis during a televised beauty pageant?
Secondly, the last part of the question – “What does this say about society?” – is
a complete non sequitur, a device normally reserved for comedic purposes. Sort
of like “Nene Leakes is a famous reality star who asks questions on the Miss
America Pageant. She must be smart and important.”
Maybe better questions would be, what does the asinine nature
of this question say about society? What does the choice of hosts – a man whose
last music video equates a bunch of scantily dressed white women shaking their
assets in the bleachers with a revival, and a woman who polices fashion and
delivers entertainment news in the nude – say about society? What does the
existence of this beauty pageant say about society?
Answer me that.
Thirdly, have you ever stood up to answer a question and
found that your mind sat down? I have.
I can write about stuff all day long with no problem,
because I can refine the text unobserved until it says exactly what I want it
to say. I can perform a role on stage in front of thousands of people with no
problem, because I’ve rehearsed my lines and my blocking and know how my
character moves and thinks.
But when I have to stand up and speak extemporaneously,
something goes screwy in my brain. My mouth fills up with cotton, my neck
flushes, I develop temporary blindness, and my IQ plummets by about 100 points.
Granted, I don’t have years of pageant training in giving pat
answers. There are times when I think that could be useful. But training women
to give pat “I would wish for world peace” answers to heavy questions is
debilitating. Miss Powell is probably much smarter than her answer would
indicate, and was just hobbled by the bright lights, vapid hosts, bad training,
and a poorly formed question asked by a woman who is famous for being a former
stripper who married wealth and gets to talk loud on a reality show.
Fourthly, look at Marissa Powell. She is gorgeous. Does
anyone really think she was up on that stage because of her intellectual
prowess? If she develops a cure for
cancer or erases the national debt or solves world hunger, more power to her. But
the way her assets stand up, I doubt anyone will fault her if she doesn’t. Besides, I don’t look like her and I’m no
closer to achieving world peace or equal pay than she is.
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