Poor ol' Paula Deen is in hot water up to her chubby little cheeks. First she is accused of being a racist. Then the government declares her cooking makes you sick.
Yep, that's right, there is a new disease in town. Last week the A.M.A classified
obesity is an illness.
It couldn't be because most of us "work" sitting on our gluteus-to-the-maximus all day long under fluorescent lighting in front of a
It couldn’t be because after work we are again sitting on our brains in front of another screen, possibly watching Paula Deen make fake Southern
food using a pound of butter, two pounds of sugar, and a box of cheap filler.
(As a real Southerner, I must add that nothing she makes resembles
anything I know as authentic Southern cooking. And we don’t use the “N” word in
my family, either.)
Speaking of food, all this obesity couldn't be because over the
past 50 years Americans have become accustomed to eating cheap food in large
quantities and having ready access 24/7.
It has nothing to do with the fact that most people don't know
where food really comes from, have never tasted raw milk straight from a cow or pulled a vegetable up out of the dirt, and have never harvested anything they have eaten except from a grocery store shelf or a drive-through window.
It's completely unrelated to all that pre-packaged
"food" on the shelf being about as close to nature as a chemist's lab
or the list of unpronounceable ingredients that make the things taste so darn
good and last so darn long. All subsidized and approved by the government.
Besides, if the package on the shelf has a big red barn or a
smiling child on it, and we've seen it advertised by beautiful slim funny
people on TV, and the government has given it the big OK, it must be good for
us to eat, right?
I don't deny that obesity is a problem. I don't deny that there
are people who are obese for reasons outside their control. It isn't always as
easy as "eating less, moving more." I know that from personal
experience. There are all sorts of factors involved.
But I believe some of those factors have been fed to us over the
past 50+ years in the very food we have been eating. Things that have modified
our brains and our organs and our endocrine systems and maybe our very
Otherwise, why are so many people so obese? Why do we crave foods
that didn't even exist 100 years ago? Why does eating a certain food make you
crave it uncontrollably?
There are reports of how scientists intentionally engineer
"food" to make us want to eat more of it. (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/24/magazine/the-extraordinary-science-of-junk-food.html?pagewanted=all)
There are components of foods we ingest in the US that are actually banned in
other countries. (http://www.buzzfeed.com/ashleyperez/8-foods-we-eat-in-the-us-that-are-banned-in-other-countries).
We want an unfettered choice of fruit and produce regardless of
the season, but we are completely clueless where it comes from, what it has on
it, or the fuel costs to get it here. We eat more and more food every year,
while Agrarian America gets smaller and more tightly controlled by Corporate
But obesity couldn't be caused by any of this or by any other
outside influences or internal deficiencies.
So our fatness must be labeled a disease. Because that's the only
way to get someone else to pay for my bad habits.
A few years ago, I noticed a friend-of-a-friend, "J",
had lost a lot of weight. J chalked it up to eating better and trying to
exercise more. I was jealous, because I had tried that and it didn't seem to
work as fast for me.
And something else bugged me. While she was smaller, she didn't
look healthy. Her skin was sallow and even though she was slimmer she still
looked flabby and disproportionate.
After J left, my friend disclosed two other facts about the recent
weight loss: 1) J had undergone gastric bypass surgery, and 2) It had been paid
for by Medicare.
The bypass surgery explained how rapidly J had lost weight and why
she didn't look healthy as a result.
But Item #2 really floored me. J worked and so did her husband. They
lived in a nice middle class neighborhood near us. I didn't understand how they
could qualify for Medicare or why it would pay for her gastric bypass.
Apparently all it took was the bariatric doctor claiming that her
obesity gave her a physical and mental disability, and then submitting the
claim enough times for it to be approved. She actually gained a little bit of
weight before the last submittal so that her BMI would be high enough to
Is it just me, or is there something really wrong with a system that criminalizes raw milk and pays for stomach amputation?
In this war on disease, we have met the enemy...and he is us.
Is it just me, or is there something really wrong with a system that criminalizes raw milk and pays for stomach amputation?
In this war on disease, we have met the enemy...and he is us.

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