"I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves."Salma Hayek
My husband called me out on my last blog post. The one that included the
recent viral Dustin Hoffman video, how his comments resonate with so many
women, and how I don’t always see myself in the best light. He asked me some questions
that were revealing in a way I didn’t expect. He peeled back the curtain of the
male psyche just a bit to reveal something I did not know.
Did you also know that – despite what we are fed by TV,
movies, magazines, and in advertising - men like real women just the way we
Did you know that men notice how other men look?
And that they worry about how they look almost as much as women
Source: imgur.com
I happen to think that Zach Galifianakis is more than a 2. He is successful. He is talented. He has a rugged quality combined with a self-deprecating sense of humor that makes him adorable to me. But apparently he is not the only man to doubt his appeal to women or to other dudes.
His quote is from a movie that came out last year called “Mansome”,
by Morgan Spurlock, creator of “Supersize Me.” I recently heard about it and
have it ready to watch in my Netflix Instant Queue. If I wasn’t packing for
vacation, I would be watching it. But for now, the trailer will suffice.
When I first saw this trailer, I thought maybe it was a
spoof, a male send-up of the way women look at themselves and each other. But
after the following conversation with my husband via Google Talk, I think
Morgan Spurlock was on to something. And so was my husband, also a Morgan.
Morgan (MF): Just read your latest blog. Is that REALLY the
way you see yourself? Trying to "measure up" to some standard?
Cindi (CCF): Sometimes.
I think women in general do it to themselves and to each other. Men don't
really do that, not with looks as much anyway. Even homely men think they're
studs, where beautiful women are still insecure about their appearance. How
many times have you shown me a picture that I'm in, and instead of commenting
on the whole context of the picture, I've said "OMG, I'm so fat!", not
"Oh, MM looks so cute”, or “I love that shirt on you”, or “that was a
great day”...
MF: Whoa! Slow
down! I think you're a FOX!
CCF: I know, and
I'm thankful! I think I'm a fox, too....until I see myself on camera! That
person doesn't look like how I feel …
MF: Oh no....the
camera LOVES you. BTW, I gotta disagree with you on the man thing. Gerard
Depardieux is one of the ugliest dudes ever. So we do compare.....
CCF: but he still
gets good looking women in the movies...Catherine Deneuve, for petes sake!
MF: I think Madison Avenue has done to y'all what
is hasn't done to us...so blame them
CCF: I agree....advertising to both men and women
has helped strengthen/establish this stereotype
MF: Name three
good looking men - quick don't think about it
CCF: Hugh Jackman
….George Clooney…Pierce Brosnan…. (*Notice
I didn't pick Dustin Hoffman…hmmm)
MF: All movie
CCF: But I
immediately thought "FAMOUS good looking men.."
MF: And that's my
CCF: Yep, those
are the images that sprang to mind, not of real people that I know. Interesting....
MF: See, I can think
Bernadette Peters, Catherine Deneuve, etc are knockouts...and they are. But
truth is, most men are taken by REAL LIFE women. They fantasize about the other
ones. But for real - just to mention three women quickly….
Morgan named three women – three very REAL women – that we
both know and at least one attribute that makes them attractive. I was
pleasantly surprised by his choices, as they are all women I like and admire
and also think are attractive. Not perfect, but beautiful, admirable individuals
in so many ways.
Then I was able to rattle off the names of five guys we both
know who I think are attractive. Not Hollywood attractive, although they are
handsome in their own way, but men who are kind, funny, talented, friendly,
affectionate. Men who greet me with a hug and a smile. Men who enjoy being
around me and look into my eyes when I’m talking. Men I respect and whom I know
respect me.
MF: But they were your SECOND choices. Get my
point yet?
CCF: y-e-s
MF: So....
CCF: I’m as
guilty as anyone!
MF: Accept the
fact you ARE beautiful. Accept all the compliments you receive. You have a beautiful
voice. People love to be around you. You're hot! ...and I love you
That last one is the clincher. What you love is always
beautiful to you. So if we want to be beautiful, we have to stop focusing on
pieces and parts, and learn to love the unique creations we are.
Which especially difficult for me right now, as I’m about to
go shopping for a new bathing suit. As I look in the mirror, I will try to ignore
the poochy stomach and thigh ripples, and see what my husband sees with both his eyes and his heart.
A person of infinite worth.
(My husband has read and approves this blog...but more importantly approves of the blogger!)
(My husband has read and approves this blog...but more importantly approves of the blogger!)

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